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Welcome From
The Head of Prep

Welcome to Bancroft's Prep, a nurturing environment where bright, curious children thrive and reach their full potential.

Our curriculum, rich and diverse, unfolds over four wonderful years, steering clear of the narrow focus on entrance exams. Instead, we prepare our students for all future academic challenges, fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

Ours is a vibrant school which benefits from contemporary buildings and impressive shared facilities within the Bancroft’s campus. The Prep children enjoy the freedom that comes from having plenty of space in which to play within a beautifully landscaped and secure site.

Whilst they are with us, we aim to give every child a breadth and depth of experience in the academic, cultural and sporting aspects of school life that will stay with them for the years to come.

Mr Joe Layburn

It's a journey that runs right through from Seven to Eighteen