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Our Aims and Values

At Bancroft's Prep, happiness is not just an aim, it's our starting line.

Beyond the pursuit of academic excellence, we champion the holistic development of every child, weaving character growth, co-curricular richness, and an active learning culture into the very fabric of our education.

Our Aims

Discover the heart of our educational philosophy: a set of core aims that guide every aspect of life at Bancroft's Prep.

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The Three1/2 Rules

We do not believe in encumbering children with too many rules and sanctions but focus instead on positive behaviour and rewards.

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The School Values

There are six core character values which we expressly want to develop.

An illustrative icon of a fist to represent courage


We want our pupils to show courage and a spirit of adventure in all aspects of their learning, to confront challenges and try to overcome them.

An illustrative icon of binoculars to represent curiosity


We want our pupils to take delight in the possibilities that the world has to offer and to develop an abiding curiosity about the world; to explore their imaginative and creative potential and to take pleasure in self-expression.

An illustrative icon of a heart held up by hands to represent kindness


We want our pupils to be kind, to have integrity and the courage to pursue and protect what is good; to make wise decisions, based on compassion and empathy.

An illustrative icon of a handshake to represent integrity


We want our pupils to learn to understand themselves and others and develop a clear moral grounding for their lives.

An illustrative icon of a medal to represent excellence


We want our pupils to aspire to be the best they might be and to make the most of their talents and abilities; we want our pupils to form realistic and ambitious ideals for the future.

An illustrative icon of weighing scales to represent balance


We want our pupils to learn how to live balanced, healthy, productive and well-regulated lives and to learn to understand the different aspects that combine to create a secure framework for flourishing.