Joining The Senior School

The transition from Bancroft's Prep to Senior School is designed to ensure pupils settle into senior school life seamlessly.

By utilising shared facilities such as the Dining Hall, Great Hall, Music Centre, and sports facilities while in the Prep School, students become acquainted with the physical layout and resources of the Senior School early on.

Additionally, the series of transition lunches hosted by the Head of Lower School, along with the opportunity to spend a few days at the Senior School before the term starts, allows pupils to acclimate to their new surroundings, meet their teachers, and understand the expectations of senior school life.

Additionally, a residential trip at the beginning of the term fosters unity and friendships. This thoughtful approach creates a supportive community, ensuring pupils feel comfortable and confident as they step into the next phase of their education.

Big group of cheering Bancroft students on a sports track holding a trophy
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